Cops Who Killed Black Folks?

There was no list of officers or police departments that killed Black folks, so I created one. We must never forget or forgive these [anti-Black] murderers. #BlackLivesMatter

I Hate That I Have To Tell You

“One thing we don’t think about when planning for children is how to teach them how not to be killed,” Darnell Lamont Walker, the book’s author says. “At 11 years old, my son came to me, matter-of-factly telling me about the dream he had that morning in which a cop attacked and tried to kill him. Undoubtedly it was the news of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling that I refused to hide from him that put these thoughts in his head. ‘Why do they keep killing us,’ he asked. ‘I don’t have an answer for that right now,’ I told him.”

Overheard in a Conversation with Myself

The one guy said something about killing police officers. He said something about the way they make him feel when he’s just walking down the street and one walks by or pulls up beside him. “This one time on I-95,” he sighed, “a cop pulled up beside me and my heart was beating like I had a trunk full of dope.” Then he went on to talk about a teacher he had once called that a “conditioning.”

The Cop in Starbucks: We Have to Kill You

“What’s a step in the right direction” left his mouth with such ease and found its way into an unwelcoming conversation between friends; all who were now side-eyeing. “We have to kill you,” came from my mouth just as easy, “then kill your partner and your captain and your dog.”