When A Fart Brings Hope.


I’ve been eating too much for too long. Lazy, after-Christmas me. Stubbly-faced me who wears unattended, unwashed college hoodies and eats hard-baked fish sticks. I’ve eaten too much in the last week, and I’m not understanding why the force of the new hasn’t pushed out the old. With each fart comes hope. I found missile-shaped transparents somethings to stick in a place to bring about change.

I suppose I’m talking about my writing as well. Since October I’ve taken in too much. Nothing’s come out. I need it out. Hope comes when I open the lid of this old Macbook. It’s in the tips of my fingers, every word in my head that should be on a new document. I used to be a writer, and I want to be one again. I have the notes in my phone to prove it. What will emancipate these nuisances?

I’ll write soon, I hope, even if I’m as insecure about those words as I am about wiping my ass with my left hand.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. sfcalvinaz says:

    “On the internet, no one can hear you fart.” Heheheheheheh. Looking forward to your “output” LOL (Side bar, I’ve shat in some amazing places through my travels. Hope I get to do more!)

  2. Jimmon watson says:

    Nothing like a much needed “release”. It does the body good. The one good thing about needing to release is your body knowing that it’s coming. Looking forward to your release! I’m sure it will produce the cleansing that you so desire. .

  3. aguywithoutboxers says:

    Love this, man! 🙂 VERY creative! Much love and naked hugs!

  4. R. Smith says:

    I came to check out your blog because I appreciate your facebook posts. They actually make me LOL. Of course the creative writing with a serious touch is quite fascinating on your blog too, but This is comic relief! LOL.

    Keep edu-taining!

    1. Thank you kindly sir!!!!!!!

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